View the devices and perform bulk operations for those devices on your network
Once a user installs the Timus Connect App and is connected to the network, the device can be viewed and configured from the 'Devices' page in Timus Manager.
- The Name of each device,
- The MAC address of each device,
- The IP Address of each device,
- The OS of each device,
- The User and Tags assigned to each device.
- Their online/offline Status on the network,
- The last time they were active on the network as Last Seen,
- The Sites they are connected to,
During the quick setup of Timus Manager, the device you are logged into is displayed on the Devices page without any identification.
Devices Bulk Actions
- You can select multiple devices on the Devices page and take the desired action on the devices at the same time.
- To take bulk action on multiple devices, click Devices in the left-side navigation.
- The Devices page appears. From this page, select the devices you want to take action on.
- The bulk Actions menu appears above the devices list. Select the action you wish to take from the Actions drop-down menu:
From the Devices screen, you can perform bulk operations for common operations that can be adapted to all devices in your network,
Edit Settings: You can adjust the following settings using the Edit Settings modal in the dropdown menu:
SSL Inspection
- Keep Current Settings: This action does not impact the current settings.
- Enable for All: When you choose this action, SSL Inspection is enabled for all selected devices.
- Disable for All: When you choose this action, SSL Inspection is disabled for all selected devices.
- Keep Existing Settings: The existing tags of devices in your network will not be affected by this action.
- Add to Existing: The existing tags of devices in your network will not be affected by this action. In addition to these tags, the tags you choose from the dropdown menu below will be included.
- Replace All with The existing tags of the selected devices will be replaced with the tag you choose.
Remove These from All: These tags will be removed from the selected devices.
- Drop Connection: You can drop the connections of the users as long as they are online. If not, the Drop Connection will be greyed out so that you will not be able to click on it.
- Delete: You can operate the delete operation for one or multiple devices with the Delete option from the bulk actions menu.
You can edit the Device manually by clicking the ellipsis icon at the end of its line and select Edit instead of using bulk actions.
When you click on the Edit option, you will display the Configure Device screen.
Disable SSL Inspection: if you don’t want to perform an inspection on SSL traffic on this device. If SSL Inspection is enabled, then the SSL certificate must be installed onto the device to be able to perform the inspection.
SSL certificate is installed automatically onto the desktop devices when the Timus Connect App is installed. The certificate must be installed manually on mobile devices.
Assign Static IP: You can assign static IP addresses for the devices by using this option. Once you click on Assign Static IP, you need to select Network and the IP Address according to the Network. Then, you need to hit the Add button on the right side of the IP Address field and hit the Confirm button to apply the changes, which you have made.
View Active Devices
To monitor or remove an active device in your network, please follow the steps below:
- Click on "Devices Online" in the Dashboard to go to the Devices page.
- Similarly, you can directly access the Devices page by clicking on it in the main navigation menu on the left.
- On this page, under the Status indicator, you will be able to see devices that are either online or offline.
You can Drop or manage the connection of any individual device or all devices associated with a user (for this, use the 'Bulk Actions' option for devices located on the right-hand side of the page).
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