Downloads and Installations

  • Timus Connect App Management
    This article explains how to download and install versions of the Timus Connect App that are suitable for different operating systems.
    To install Timus Connect App on your device:
    1. Open Timus Manager and go to Settings > Downloads page.
    2. Find the row on the Downloads page that corresponds to the name, version and icon of your device's operating system.
    3. Click the "Copy Link" button, then paste the link you copied into your browser's search bar and press Enter to begin the download.
    4. Alternatively, you can directly click the "Download" button to start the download process.

    For more information on Timus Connect App versions for different operating systems, go to:

    See more
  • Timus Connect App for Microsoft Windows® User Guide
    This document is a guide explaining the use of the Timus Connect App for Microsoft Windows® application. This application secures your connection by establishing an encrypted tunnel to the Timus Platform.
    Download Steps
    1. Download and install the Timus Connect App from:
      • Administrators can also download the app from Timus Manager > Settings > Downloads page.

    When installing Timus Connect App onto desktop devices for the first time, the account must have administrator permission in order to install the application onto the device.

    If Timus Connect App's background service is completely stopped for any reason, administrator permission will be required to access the application.

    • Administrator permission is not required for version updates.

    Open the application. You will see the Timus Connect App End User License Agreement on the screen.

    • Read and agree to the EULA.

    The e-mail address screen will appear. Enter the e-mail address of your Timus account.

    • In the next screen, Select a Network and enter your Password to login. If there is only one network, that network will be selected automatically.If this account is synchronized from a directory service like Microsoft Entra ID(Azure AD), Okta, or Google Workspace, at this moment the login screen will be forwarded to the login screen of that directory service.
    • If you check the Keep me logged in option on this screen, the app keeps your login information for your next login.

    If you trigger a user sign-in policy of Timus Manager with a behavior when you try to login, you may encounter a different authentication method like two-factor authorization.

    The screen that opens is the application's main screen. On this screen, you will see the following menu items:

    • Connection
    • Account
    • Settings
    • Support


    Follow the steps below to establish a connection by using the Timus Connect Windows application:

    • Enter the login information provided by your company to connect you to the screen.
    • The Gateway/Connection screen will appear.
    • Here, you will need to select the Gateway. In the gateway selection list, the active sites to which the user is allowed to access will be available.

    The round-trip traffic duration to each active gateway will be displayed next to the gateway. The lower the duration, the faster the connection.

    • If you want the application to select the gateway for the fastest connection by default, choose Select Fastest.
    • If you want to connect via a specific gateway, select this gateway from the drop-down list.
    • Click Connect and wait for the connection to be established. Connection information will be updated as Connected in a short time.
    • On the connection status screen, you can view the connection status, Private IP Address, and Public IP Address information.
    • Click on Disconnect to disconnect.


    On the Account menu, you can

    • View your account name,
    • Manage account,
    • End your login session using the Sign Out feature.

    To change your password:

    1. Click Manage account.
    2. Enter your current password and then enter your new password and click Confirm.


    On the Settings menu,

    • You can select one of the VPN protocols we offer, WireGuard or OpenVPN.
    • By enabling the Start on Boot feature, you can ensure that the Timus Connect App is always running without needing to be manually launched every time your device is turned on.
    • If you are unable to modify or turn features on or off, it indicates that the administrator has closed that feature to user selection based on their preference.

    Split tunnel configuration works on Windows when the tunnel protocol is WireGuard.


    On the Support menu, you can

    • Install SSL certificates.
    • Share your feedback with us.
    • Collect logs: When you click this button, a file containing application and system logs will be created in the file patch you specified. This file will mainly be used for support purposes when necessary.
    • About: This page will give you some information regarding Timus Connect Version, Device Model, OS Type, OS Name, OS Version, OS Architecture.
    Once you have any issues with the Timus Connect Application, you click on Collect log. it will want you to select a folder to create a log file, which will have all the .log files needed for troubleshooting. You can send the file to one of our technical support specialists to have it analyzed.

    You will get a notification message as shown in the image below once you click on Collect log. This process can take up to 10 seconds.

    Once the log file has been successfully created, you will see the pop-up message as shown in the image below.

    To install an SSL Certificate, follow these steps:
    1. Open the Timus Connect app.
    2. Enter your E-mail Address and click on the Continue button.
    3. Choose your Network to connect with.
    4. Enter your Password.
    5. Click on the Sign In button.
    6. Go to Support, located at the bottom right of the application.
    7. Click on Install Certificate.
    8. Confirm the successful installation of the certificates, as shown in the image below. If you do not see the message, please contact your administrator immediately.
    However, if you get the SSL Certificate Error while using the Timus Connect app, follow the steps below:
    • Click on the Support menu and select Install SSL Certificate.
    • If you cannot see the Certificate is Successfully Installed message, follow these steps:
    1. Login to with your account information,
    2. Download the SSL Certificate by clicking the Desktop icon,
    3. Open the downloaded certificate,
    4. Install the certificate,
    5. Select the Local Machine option,
    6. Click Next,
    7. Select Place All Certificates in the following store option,
    8. Select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities file as the place to store the certificate,
    9. Click OK > Next,
    10. Complete the process by clicking Finish on the screen that opens.

    Silent Deployment Script

    For Partners who would like to use a silent script to deploy through an RMM tool, please refer to the below article:

    Timus Connect App for Microsoft Windows Silent Deployment Script


    See more
  • Timus Connect App for Microsoft Windows Silent Deployment Script


    Powershell Script - Windows
    To run on a local machine without RMM, you may have to bypass the machine’s execution policy with:
    powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file '.\Timus Silent Install.ps1'



    Timus Connect Windows Installation Script
    ***Always review to make sure you know what a script is doing.***


    1. Check to see if the application is already installed
    If already installed, exits the script. Otherwise proceeds with section 2.

    $appName = 'Timus Connect'
    $RegUninstallKey = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
    $installedApplication = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegUninstallKey | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*$appName*"}

    if ($installedApplication) {
    Write-Host "Application is already installed, exiting script"
    else {
    Write-Host "Application is not installed."

    2. Check to see if this is a desktop or laptop by looking for a battery

    #!#! Delete this whole line if you want to disable this section #!#! #>

    $systemType = "Unknown"
    $BatteryStatus = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Battery -EA SilentlyContinue).Status

    if ($BatteryStatus) {
    $systemType = "Laptop"
    } else {
    $systemType = "Desktop"
    Write-Output "This device is a" $systemType

    #2.1 At this time I am only automating the Timus installation on laptops

    if ($systemType -eq "Desktop") {
    Write-Output "The device is a desktop, exiting script."

    else {
    Write-Output "This is a laptop, proceeding with download."

    3. Does the download destination exist?
    If not, create download directory
    Default download directory is "C:\temp\Timus Networks"

    $dlFolder = "C:\temp\Timus Networks"
    $dlFolderTest = Test-Path -Path $dlFolder
    $dlDest = "$dlFolder\Timus-Connect.exe"
    $dlUrl = ""
    $tempFolderExists = Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp"

    if ($dlFolderTest -eq $true) {
    Write-Output "Download directory exists, continuing with download."
    else {
    Write-Output "Download directory does not exist, creating directory"
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dlFolder -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop

    4. Starting download to destination
    Will try three different methods to download the file: Invoke-WebRequest, WebClient, and finally Start-BitsTransfer.
    If all three fail, the script will exit with a failure.

    try {
    Write-Output "Trying to download..."
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dlUrl -OutFile $dlDest
    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest download was successful, moving on to installation..."
    catch {
    Write-Output "Invoke-Webrequest failed, trying webclient download..."
    try {
    $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
    $webClient.DownloadFile($dlUrl, $dlDest)
    Write-Output "WebClient download was successful, moving on to installation"
    catch {
    Write-Output "WebClient download failed, starting BitsTransfer..."

    try {
    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $dlUrl -Destination $dlDest
    Write-Output "Downloaded successfully with BitsTransfer, moving on to installation..."
    catch {
    Write-Host "All methods failed. Unable to download the file. Exiting."
    Exit 1


    5. Starts Installation of the Timus Connect App.
    Upon error, the script will exit.
    Checks registry for uninstall key for Timus Connect.

    Start-Process -Wait -FilePath $dlDest -ArgumentList "/S" -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop

    #Check for successful install
    $appName = 'Timus Connect'
    $RegUninstallKey = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
    $installedApplication = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegUninstallKey | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*$appName*"}

    if ($installedApplication) {
    Write-Host "Application is installed."
    } else {
    Write-Host "Application is not installed."


    6. Performs cleanup of created files/folders
    If download root existed prior to script, will only remove newly created folder.
    For example, if C:\temp already existed, the script will only remove C:\temp\Timus Networks
    and not C:\temp as a whole.

    If download root did not exist, it will delete the whole folder


    if ($tempFolderExists -eq $true) {
    Write-Output "Temp folder existed prior to download, only removing" $dlFolder
    Remove-Item -Path $dlFolder -Recurse -Force
    Write-Output "Cleanup complete, exiting..."
    Exit 0
    else {
    Write-Output "Temp folder did not exist prior to script, deleting Temp folder..."
    Remove-Item -Path "C:\Temp" -Recurse -Force
    Write-Output "Cleanup complete, exiting..."
    Exit 0

    See more
  • Certificate Install Script for Microsoft Windows

    This script is designed to automate the installation of a digital certificate into the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store on a local machine. It can be distributed and executed via Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools, making it ideal for deploying trusted certificates across multiple systems in a managed environment.

    # Path to the certificate file
    $certPath = "C:\Users\username\Downloads\DESKTOP_CERTIFICATE.der"# Check if the file exists
    if (Test-Path $certPath) {
    # Import the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store
    $cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
    $cert.Import($certPath) # Add the certificate to the local machine Trusted Root store
    $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store "Root", "LocalMachine"
    $store.Close() Write-Host "Certificate installed successfully."
    } else {
    Write-Host "Certificate file not found at $certPath. Exiting."
    See more
  • Timus Connect App for macOS® User Guide

    This document is a guide explaining the use of the Timus Connect for macOS® application.

    This application secures your connection by establishing an encrypted tunnel to the Timus Platform.

    Timus Connect App supports macOS Monterey or higher versions.


    When installing Timus Connect App for the first time, the account must have administrator permission in order to install the application onto the device.

    If Timus Connect App's background service is completely stopped for any reason, administrator permission will be required to access the application.

    Administrator permission is not required for version updates.

    • Launch the application. You will see the End User License Agreement on the screen.
      end user license agreement.png
    • After reading the EULA by scrolling down, you will see I have read and agre to the EULA at the bottom of the agreement. Once you click on it, you will see the email field to sign in the Timus Connect Application on macOS
    • The login screen will appear. Enter the e-mail address of your Timus account.
    • In the next screen, Select a Network and enter your Password to login. If there is only one network, that network will be selected automatically.

    If this account is synchronized from a directory service like Microsoft Entra ID(Azure AD), Okta, or Google Workspace, at this moment the login screen will be forwarded to the login screen of that directory service.

    • If you check the Keep me logged in option on this screen, the app keeps your login information for your next login.

    If you trigger a user sign-in policy of Timus Manager with a behavior when you try to login, you may encounter a different authentication method like two-factor authentication.

    The screen that opens is the application's main screen, you will see the following menu items:

    • Connection
    • Account
    • Settings
    • Support


    Follow the steps below to establish a connection by using the Timus Connect Windows application:

    • Enter the login information provided by your company to connect you to the screen.
    • The Gateway/Connection screen will appear.
    • Here, you will need to select the Gateway. In the gateway selection list, the active sites to which the user is allowed to access will be available.

    The round-trip traffic duration to each active gateway will be displayed next to the gateway. The lower the duration, the faster the connection.

    • If you want the application to select the gateway for the fastest connection by default, choose Select Fastest.
    • If you want to connect via a specific gateway, select this gateway from the drop-down list.
    • Click Connect and wait for the connection to be established. Connection information will be updated when Connected.
    • On the connection status screen, you can see the connection status, Private IP Address, and Public IP Address information.
    • To disconnect click on Disconnect.


    On the Account menu, you can

    • View your account name,
    • Manage Account to change your password and send a request to the admin regarding Always-on VPN disconnection,
    • Sign Out to end your login session.
      timus connect.png


    On the Settings menu,

    • The Start on Boot feature allows the application to start when the operating system boots,
    • Connect on application start feature allows you to connect to your gateway automatically when you turn on your macOS,
    • With the Change tunnel mode feature, you can change the tunnel mode of VPNs such as WireGuard and OpenVPN.
      connect latest.png

    If you are unable to modify or turn features on or off, it indicates that the administrator has closed that feature to user selection based on their preference.

    Split tunnel configuration works on macOS when the tunnel protocol is WireGuard.


    On the Support menu, you can

    • Install certificate,
    • Give feedback,
    • Collect logs: When you click this button, a file containing application and system logs will be created in the file patch you specified. This file will mainly be used for support purposes when necessary.

    Once you have any isues with the Timus Connect Application, you click on Collect log. it will want you to select a folder to create a log file, which will have all the .log files needed for troubleshooting. You can send the file to one of our technical support specialists to have it analyzed.

    connect newest latest.png

    You will get a notification message as shown in the image below once you click on Collect log. This process can take up to 10 seconds.

    Once the log file has been successfully created, you will see the pop-up message as shown in the image below.

    To install an SSL Certificate, follow these steps:

    The SSL Certificate can be installed by clicking "Install Certificate" on the Support menu. However, in order for the SSL Certificate to function properly, its trust settings must be configured as follows.

    1. Navigate to the 'Applications' folder on your Mac. You can use Finder to find 'Application'.
    2. Inside the 'Applications' folder, find and open the 'Utilities' folder.
    3. In the 'Utilities' folder, select 'Keychain Access'.
    4. Once 'Keychain Access' is open, locate the search box at the top right corner.
    5. In the search box, enter the name of your SDN. In this example, our SDN name, which is the company name, is TimusNetworks. Please make sure that you enter your SDN name correctly into the search box.
    6. The corresponding certificate will appear in the search results. Select it.
    7. After opening the certificate, find and select the 'Trust' option. The detail page will be opened automatically. Please make sure that you have chosen the Trust on the dropmenu.
    8. In the 'Trust' settings, change the status to 'Always Trust'.

    Please note that altering the trust settings of any certificate should be done with caution. Always ensure that the certificate is from a reliable source.

    Silent Deployment Script

    For Partners who would like to use a silent script to deploy through an RMM tool, please refer to the below article:

    Timus Connect App for MacOS Silent Deployment Script
    See more
  • Timus Connect App for MacOS Silent Deployment Script


    Bash Script - Mac
    Ensure the script has execute permissions by using the following terminal command:
    chmod +x /path/to/



    # Check if the machine is a MacBook (laptop)
    MODEL_IDENTIFIER=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Model Identifier/ {print $3}')
    if [[ ! "$MODEL_IDENTIFIER" =~ "MacBook" ]]; then
    echo "This script is intended for MacBook models only."
    exit 1
    echo "Thank you for using Timus ZTNA. Your secure remote access will be enabled shortly."

    # Specify the name of the app to check if it's installed

    # Specify the URL and local directory and path for the .pkg

    # Check if the app is already installed
    if [ -d "$APP_PATH" ]; then
    echo "$APP_NAME is already installed."
    echo "$APP_NAME is not installed."

    # Create the directory if it doesn't exist
    [ ! -d "$PKG_DIR" ] && mkdir -p "$PKG_DIR"

    # Download the .pkg file from the specified URL
    echo "Downloading $PKG_NAME..."
    curl -o "$PKG_LOCAL_PATH" "$PKG_URL"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Download successful!"

    # Install the .pkg
    echo "Installing $PKG_NAME..."
    installer -pkg "$PKG_LOCAL_PATH" -target /
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Installation successful!"

    # Open the app
    echo "Opening $APP_NAME..."
    open "$APP_PATH"

    # Optionally, you can clean up by removing the downloaded .pkg
    rm "$PKG_LOCAL_PATH"
    rmdir "$PKG_DIR" # This will only remove the directory if it's empty

    echo "Error during installation."

    echo "Error downloading $PKG_NAME."

    exit 0

    To handle cases where the initial script does not work for certain Mac models, you can use the alternative script with adjustments below:


    # Define variables
    # Ensure the log file is writable
    if [[ ! -w $(dirname "$LOG_FILE") ]]; then
        echo "Error: Cannot write to log file at $LOG_FILE. Check permissions or use a different path."
        exit 1
    # Redirect script output to log file
    exec > >(tee -a "$LOG_FILE") 2>&1
    echo "Starting Timus Connect installation: $(date)"
    # Ensure the Downloads directory exists
    mkdir -p "$HOME/Downloads"
    # Download the package
    echo "Downloading the package from $DOWNLOAD_URL..."
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "Error: Failed to download the package from $DOWNLOAD_URL. Exiting."
        exit 1
    echo "Download completed: $DESTINATION"
    # Install the package silently
    echo "Installing the package..."
    sudo installer -pkg "$DESTINATION" -target /
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "Error: Installation failed. Exiting."
        exit 1
    echo "Installation completed successfully."
    # Optional cleanup
    echo "Cleaning up downloaded file..."
    rm -f "$DESTINATION"
    echo "Cleaned up downloaded file: $DESTINATION"
    echo "Timus Connect installation completed successfully: $(date)"
    exit 0


    See more
  • Timus Connect App for iOS User Guide

    This document is a guide explaining the use of Timus Connect for iOS application.

    This application secures your connection by establishing an encrypted tunnel to the Timus Platform.

    Timus Connect App supports iOS 14 or later versions.


    • Download and install the Timus Connect App from
    • Administrators can also download the app from Timus Manager > Settings > Downloads page.
    • Open the application. You will see the Timus Connect App End User License Agreement on the screen.
    • Read and agree to the EULA.
    • The e-mail address screen will appear. Enter the e-mail address of your Timus account.
    • Click Sign In.
    • In the next screen, Select a Network and enter your Password to login. If there is only one network, that network will be selected automatically.
    • Click Sign In.

    If you trigger a user sign-in policy of Timus Manager with a behavior when you try to login, you may encounter a different authentication method like two-factor authentication.

    The screen that opens is the application's main screen. On this screen, you will see the following menu items:

    • Connection
    • Support
    • Settings


    Follow the steps below to establish a connection by using the Timus Connect Windows application:

    If this account is synchronized from a directory service like Microsoft Entra ID(Azure AD), Okta, or Google Workspace, at this moment the login screen will be forwarded to the login screen of that directory service.

    • The Gateway/Connection screen will appear.
    • Here, you will need to select the Gateway. In the gateway selection list, the active sites to which the user is allowed to access will be available.

    If you have just connected to one of the gateways, it will ask for your permission as shown in the image below to be able to let you use the Timus Connect iOS Application. You need to click on Allow to continue.

    If you click on Don't Allow not to give the permission for the Timus Connect iOS Application, you will not able to connect to your gateways.

    The round-trip traffic duration to each active gateway will be displayed next to the gateway. The lower the duration, the faster the connection.

    • If you want the application to select the gateway for the fastest connection by default, choose Select Fastest.
    • If you want to connect via a specific gateway, select this gateway from the drop-down list.
    • Click Connect and wait for the connection to be established. Connection information will be updated as Connected in a short time.
    • On the connection status screen, you can view the connection status, Private IP Address, and Public IP Address information.
    • While connected, you can click on the Details button to see further details about the connection.
    • Click on Disconnect to disconnect.


    On the Support menu, you can

    • Send us your feedback,
    • Report any issues you encounter,
    • Install a configuration profile,
    • Access logs,
    • View the Timus Connect App and system information using the About feature.


    • On the Settings menu, you can change the tunnel protocol to WireGuard or OpenVPN.
    • You can click on Manage Account for changing password, sending an Always-on VPN disconnect request and installing the certificate.
    • You can use the Sign out feature to end your session on Timus Connect App.

    If you are unable to modify or turn features on or off, it indicates that the administrator has closed that feature to user selection based on their preference.

    See more
  • Timus Connect App for Android™ User Guide
    This document is a guide explaining the use of Timus Connect for Android™ application.

    This application secures your connection by establishing an encrypted tunnel to the Timus Platform.

    Timus Connect App supports Android 10 or higher versions.


    1. Open the application. You will see the Timus Connect App End User License Agreement on the screen.
    2. Read and agree to the EULA.

    • The e-mail address screen will appear. Enter the e-mail address of your Timus account to sign into your network.

    In the next screen, Select a Network and enter your Password to login. If there is only one network, that network will be selected automatically.

    If this account is synchronized from a directory service like Microsoft Entra ID(Azure AD), Okta, or Google Workspace, at this moment the login screen will be forwarded to the login screen of that directory service.

    • Click Sign In.

    If you trigger a user sign-in policy of Timus Manager with a behavior when you try to login, you may encounter a different authentication method like two-factor authentication.

    The screen that opens is the application's main screen will have the following menu items:

    • Connection
    • Support
    • Settings


    Follow the steps below to establish a connection by using the Timus Connect Android™ application:

    • Enter the login information provided by your company.
    • The Gateway/Connection screen will appear.
    • Here, you will need to select the Gateway. In the selection list, the active sites to which the user is allowed to access will be available.

    The round-trip traffic duration to each active gateway will be displayed next to the gateway. The lower the duration, the faster the connection.

    • If you want the application to select the gateway for the fastest connection by default, choose Select Fastest.
    • If you want to connect via a specific gateway, select this gateway from the drop-down list.
    • Click Connect and wait for the connection to be established. Connection information will be updated when Connected.
    • On the connection status screen, you can see the connection status, Private IP Address, and Public IP Address information.
    • While connected, you can click on the Details button to see further details about the connection.
    • Click on Disconnect to disconnect.


    On the Support menu, you can:

    • Send us your feedback,
    • Report any issues you encounter,
    • Install a configuration profile,
    • Access logs,
    • View the Timus Connect App and system information using the About feature.


    • On the Settings menu, you can change the tunnel protocol to WireGuard or OpenVPN.
    • You can click on Manage Account for changing password, sending an Always-on VPN disconnect request and installing the certificate.
    • You can use the Sign out feature to end your session on Timus Connect App.

    If you are unable to modify or turn features on or off, it indicates that the administrator has closed that feature to user selection based on their preference.

    Split tunnel configuration works on Android when the tunnel protocol is WireGuard.

    See more